Seek & Blastn

1) Choose a pdf file to seek nucleotide sequences in via the
"Choose a file..." button.

2) Then check nucleotide sequence
identities by pressing the
"Search for sequences" button

For a guide on how to use Seek & Blastn, consider going through the protocol

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


The problematic papers flagged by Seek & Blastn and reported in the following articles are tabulated at the PPP:

Identification of human gene research articles with wrongly identified nucleotide sequences.

Park, Y., West, R.A., Pathmendra, P., Favier, B., Stoeger, T., Capes-Davis, A., Cabanac, G., Labbé, C., Byrne, J.A. (2022)
Life Science Alliance., 5(4), e202101203.

The thin ret(raction) line: biomedical journal responses to incorrect non-targeting nucleotide sequence reagents in human gene knockdown publications.

Byrne, J.A., Park, Y., West, R.A., Capes-Davis, A., Favier, B., Cabanac, G., Labbé, C. (2021)
Scientometrics., 126(4), 3513–3534.

Flagging incorrect nucleotide sequence reagents in biomedical papers: To what extent does the leading publication format impede automatic error detection?

Labbé, C., Cabanac, G., West, R.A., Gauthier, T., Favier, B., Byrne, J.A. (2020)
Scientometrics., 124(2), 1139–1156.

Semi-automated fact-checking of nucleotide sequence reagents in biomedical research publications: The Seek & Blastn tool.

Labbé, C., Grima, N., Gauthier, T., Favier, B., Byrne, J.A. (2019)
PLoS ONE., 14(3), e0213266.

Striking similarities between publications from China describing single gene knockdown experiments in human cancer cell lines.

Byrne, J.A., Labbé, C. (2017)
Scientometrics., 110(3), 1471–1493.



Cyril Labbé

Jennifer Byrne

Guillaume Cabanc

Bertrand Favier

Amanda Capes-Davis